What up gangsta?

What up gangsta?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


This is just surreal. I don't even know what to say, but I have to write.

Matt assaulted me on Sunday night. He was drunk, he drove home that way from the bar, and when he got there, I told him he needed to stop drinking or it was over. I couldn't take it anymore. He told me to go back to my ex, and called me a whore. I told him to leave, I didn't want to look at him, I wanted him OUT of my house. He told me no. I said I would call the police if he didn't, and he said I couldn't, cuz he had taken my phone. I didn't even notice and I didn't know where he put it. I told him to give me my phone or I would mess with his comics, which he is obsessed with. He wouldn't give it back, so I went to grab some comics and he kicked me in the leg. I told him again to get out, or I would go get my sister's phone and call. He refused again, so I went for the door. At that point he tackled me down on my bed. I screamed in fear, and he held his hand over my nose and mouth, HARD, so I couldn't scream. I couldn't breathe. I pried his fingers off of my face, and he just came back with the other hand and pushed even harder. This went on, over and over, and I reached down and grabbed his balls HARD and twisted. This made him let me up for a bit, then I started to get loud again, so he tackled me back down and was smothering me again. I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help, but my tv was on, the door was shut, and my sister and Luke were in their room with THEIR door shut and THEIR TV on as well. Besides, every time I got out a loud enough scream, he'd be back on my mouth, pushing down so hard. I couldn't breathe, I was so scared.

Finally he let me up because I said I was going to throw up. He followed me into the bathroom and shut and locked us in there together. He was between me and the door so I couldn't try to get out. I was cowering against the wall and crying my eyes out. I was so scared. The entire time, I was pleading with him not to kill me. He thought that was ridiculous. He kept saying, "Why are you doing this? I'm not even hurting you. I'm not abusing you yet." YET. That was the scariest thing I've ever heard. I screamed again for help from the bathroom, then he was back on my mouth, pushing hard and banging my head back against the wall. I couldn't breathe. I started banging on the wall instead to make noise for help, but then he pushed even HARDER. I didn't know what to do. I thought I was going to die so many times.

Finally I convinced him to let me out of the bathroom so we could go talk in the bedroom. As we were heading out of the bathroom, I spotted my phone on the floor. He must have dropped it. Behind his back, I crouched down and picked it up. He didn't see me. He went and laid in front of the bathroom door so I couldn't get out. I think he was getting tired. He was drunk, and by that time, he had been on me for almost fifteen minutes, and I was struggling hard the whole time. I leaned against the wall by the half-open closet and stuck my hand in there so it was out of sight. I texted my sister, her boyfriend, and my brother without looking to call 911. About three LONG minutes later, there was a knock at the door. It was my sister. She said, "Can I talk to Bethany?" He let me out, I told her in a whisper that he hurt me, and she whisked me quickly into her room with Luke and locked the door. We called 911 right away, and I had Luke go and rescue the cats. When we were locked in the room, Matt was at the locked door, trash-talking through it to Luke. He wanted Luke to come out and talk to him 'man-to-man' to get 'his side' of the story. Luke just humored him by talking through the door, since the lady on the phone said not to open it by ANY MEANS. He said he 'knew how to get in', and that he would pick the lock with a pin. Just as he was about to do that, the cops showed up and took him away.

He had to stay in jail overnight, since he suffocated me, he got felony strangulation. He also got two misdemeanors, disorderly conduct and battery. He was in jail overnight, and got out Monday around dinnertime. I don't know much else, considering he cannot contact me for 72 hours.

I'm just so damn sad. I can tell I'm no fun to be around, and unfortunately, poor Sam and Caleb have had to be around me the entire time. If I think for more than ten seconds, I start to sob. I talked briefly to his oldest sister, whom I talk to pretty regularly, and she doesn't know who to believe. That makes me sad, but I guess I know where she's coming from, considering he's her brother. Matt called his parents from jail, and they REFUSE to help him in any way. That should tell you something, if his own parents won't help him. They must think he did something. Also, another term of his release is that he has to maintain absolutely sober the entire time. If he gets caught, he forfeits his bond and goes back to jail until his court date.

The Christine Ann Center has called me. They're a local domestic abuse shelter. They offer some really great services, and I may take advantage of some. I don't know what to do, I feel so lost. I'm kind of scared to be home, and it makes me sad to see all his things. A lot of times, I really thought I was going to marry this person. I just keep remembering how long I chased him and worked to get him, how much we went through with the distance and the visits, and how things seemed to be coming together, only to have this to happen. This is just so fucking unbelievable. I'm so angry, and so hurt, in every single way possible. There's no way in hell I could ever trust him again. I really don't want to even see him. He always said how he would never hurt me, never cheat on me, never do anything bad...how could THIS even be an option? How could trying to suffocate me have even entered his mind? I told him this drinking would be our downfall. I fucking TOLD HIM, but I didn't think it would be this way. I thought we'd argue over it and end up hating each other, but I never thought he would be so violent.

I'm sore. My jaw is bruised and a bit swollen, and my neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach all hurt. It hurts to chew. It hurts to smile (not that I have much) and laugh, and cough. It hurts more to think. I could stand the physical pain if it didn't have all this emotional pain to go with it. I just wish I had been in a car accident or something instead, and I could lay in bed with him and he could hold me and be the sweet amazing person he once was. He loved me. He told me I was beautiful. I thought he meant it. I feel like I'm so damn old. I wanted a husband, and babies, and a stable life. I thought I found it with him, I swear I did. But I was wrong. I'm just in so much fucking shock. I feel like I can't do anything. I put makeup on today and cried it off already. I can't work, I haven't gone to class. Everyone understands, but it makes me feel like such a loser. He already beat me down, now he's taking away everything else. I want his SHIT out of there so I can take back my bedroom, and my bathroom. I don't want to have horrible feelings affiliated with that place anymore. That was MINE, my place, he can't have it. He can beat me down and put me in physical, mental, and emotional pain. He can make me cry, but he cannot have my safe place. I want to feel safe there again, and I don't. Bo knows something is wrong, too. He's acting so sad. He hides in the closet all day. He knows that Mommy's not sleeping there, and he can tell that everything is tense. I hate it. Matt has ruined everything. I cannot believe it. I can't believe I didn't see it coming.

I don't even know what else to say.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

no clever title today...

I just feel like I need to let some things out. I don't know if anyone reads this, but it's more for me than for anyone else.

Sometimes I feel like Matt and I are so different. I'm also worried about relying on him in the future, say, in marriage and parenthood. Sometimes he breaks his word on the stupidest little things, but those things really bother me. Also, he refuses to come to watch Wrestlemania with all of us at my brother's house because my ex Nate is going to be there. There are many other people that are coming as well, but Matt doesn't want to be near him.

When we were breaking up, Nate said some angry things to me, and yelled some things in the background when I was on the phone with Matt. I know he's probably not proud of these things, but he never apologized and Matt hates him for that. This was at least eight months ago, and I'm of the mindset that he should already be over it. I am, and it really was my problem more than anyone else's. Matt, however, disagrees, and absolutely, 100% REFUSES to have anything to do with him. This is a problem because Nate is still friends with my friends, and he may be at the same things that I am at, and that Matt would be at. So I asked him, does this mean you won't go to ANYTHING? Weddings, graduations, parties, things like that? He claims he'll go if it's more than a 'small group setting', but I don't know. This may seem like a small thing to other people, but it shows an immaturity that may come up in other things as well. If he holds such a long grudge over something that (I think) is so small, then how is he going to act when faced with bigger, more important matters? He just seems so erratic sometimes, and I don't like that. At this point in my life, I'm thinking about marriage and children, and many things I look at within my relationship, I think, "How will this be with children involved? How will he act with children?" Maybe that's looking too far ahead, but I don't think so. I can't help it, I'm almost 25 and my biological clock is ticking. Is this a man I can rely on? Is this a man who will be there for me during my pregnancy when I want a taco at three a.m.? Is this a man who will get up in the middle of the night to change and feed a crying baby? He once said that being a stay-at-home mom isn't a hard job. My jaw dropped on that one. He has never had to care for a child, or MULTIPLE children, so he does not know how hard it can be. Hell, I only do it once and a while, and SAM is with me, but it's still very difficult and very stressful. And then, at the end of the day, we get to go home. Moms DON'T get to go home. They barely get enough time to grab a shower or a meal before they're running off after their children. I just want him to take things seriously, but I cannot force him. I just don't know if he has his priorities straight. Sometimes I feel like I'm further down the list than I should be. For one thing, he sucks at his cell phone. Half the time he doesn't unsilence it, or even put it on vibrate, so he doesn't get my calls. Sometimes, he knows I'm calling, he just ignores it cuz he's 'busy' or sleeping or something. But what if I needed him? Will that still be the case when I'm pregnant, or have a newborn at home? Those are the things I wonder about. Those things are important to me.

I feel like I'm rambling, but I think getting this out has actually helped me. Thanks for reading, if anyone actually is. I work tomorrow, which sucks because it's Wrestlemania AND I have a huge test to study for, but I work with Donna. I love her. She really listens to me, and we see eye-to-eye on absolutely EVERYTHING. She's just such a great lady. It's wonderful to have people like that in my life.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

random thoughts on a sick day...

Well, I've been told that I need to blog more (thanks, Dee :-P), so here goes nothing.

Matt has lived here with me now for over a month, and things are mostly good. We definitely have our bad times, our arguments, but usually we get through them without too much damage done. I just wonder where everything is going to go. Obviously we love each other, but I've been having some trouble with trusting him and doubting his ability to keep his word. There have been a couple of situations (though small) where he has said he was going to do something, then didn't come through. Though most of them were basically trivial things, it still makes me wonder how (or if) he will react in the very important situations where I really need to lean on him. That's always been an issue with me in relationships: whether or not I can depend on the person I am with. Most of the time he does come through, but it's the few times that he does flake out that makes me the most worried. Maybe that's not fair, maybe I need to look at the majority of the time, but isn't it human to be worried about things like that?

I'm getting older, I'm almost 25 now, and I mostly think about what kind of husband and children's father I want. Damn, it seems like everyone on my Facebook friends list is either pregnant or has just had a baby. There are people that are around my age or even younger that already have multiple children. Although their situations may not be the best, it still makes me jealous. Of course I don't want to raise a child by myself, but I do want a life with children, and soon. I'm not going to do anything drastic, obviously, but it is what I want. There's so much shit to worry about. Even if the relationship I have is 100% stable, and amazing, and terrific, that's not enough. There is school, jobs, finances...so much to worry about. I guess I should be happy that I'm responsible enough to worry about these things, that I'm not running out and getting pregnant without a man or anything else stable, but still. I feel like I'm getting so old and I'm never going to have any of these things. I want multiple kids, and I'm getting down to about a ten-year window to have them. They used to say it was dangerous to have kids after 40, now they're saying 35. Maybe in a couple years, it'll be 30! Who knows. I think too much, I think.

Life otherwise is pretty uneventful. My furry feline children are doing well, despite an accident that took a chunk out of Oscar's head. He's healing nicely, though, thanks to Mommy's constant obsessive attention. School is fine, and I will hopefully be done after only one more semester. Work is the same as it has always been, I feel like I do a lot and don't get much in return. Such is the work force though, huh?

I hope this finds everyone well, and I will try to do this on a more regular basis. It really is cathartic.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

...all that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you...

Wow, I haven't written in forever! A lot has changed, so I definitely should update everyone.

Firstly, and the most important...Matt lives here now! After all of that planning and missing each other and visiting and fighting, he moved here. He was looking for jobs up here for the longest time, and all of a sudden, out of basically nowhere, Walmart found a transfer for him up here, in the electronics department at the Walmart in Appleton, which is only about a 25-minute drive from here.

He got here on February 11, he drove his car and his parents came in their truck with Matt's stuff. The first couple weeks were rough. He didn't like his job, we were having trouble getting used to each other's quirks and ways of living, but as of right now, everything is going much better. We really like spending time with each other, yet we also have our alone time and individual interests. He's been wonderful and happy lately, and always says how glad he is to be here and to be living with me. Those days are great. I think he's getting adjusted just fine, and I understand that that can take some time. I can't imagine moving to another state where I know barely anybody and getting used to everything. I'm trying my best to help him, but I know that sometimes I could definitely be better.

Other than that, which is the major excitement in my life, things are basically normal. School, work, and hanging out with friends and family is what takes up most of my time. The cats are wonderful, and they're slowly warming up to Daddy, who is slowly warming up to them as well. At first he wasn't thrilled with their hair and their virtual domination of the apartment, but he's gotten used to it and now I catch him loving on them pretty often. They're such lovable creatures that it'd be hard not to love them.

I will definitely try to write more in this thing, but it's hard, with work, and two really challenging classes this semester, plus friend time and Matty time. I like to write though, it's cathartic, so I will definitely try to squeeze in at least quick updates.

Hope everyone is well!