What up gangsta?

What up gangsta?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

...all that I'm after is a life full of laughter, as long as I'm laughing with you...

Wow, I haven't written in forever! A lot has changed, so I definitely should update everyone.

Firstly, and the most important...Matt lives here now! After all of that planning and missing each other and visiting and fighting, he moved here. He was looking for jobs up here for the longest time, and all of a sudden, out of basically nowhere, Walmart found a transfer for him up here, in the electronics department at the Walmart in Appleton, which is only about a 25-minute drive from here.

He got here on February 11, he drove his car and his parents came in their truck with Matt's stuff. The first couple weeks were rough. He didn't like his job, we were having trouble getting used to each other's quirks and ways of living, but as of right now, everything is going much better. We really like spending time with each other, yet we also have our alone time and individual interests. He's been wonderful and happy lately, and always says how glad he is to be here and to be living with me. Those days are great. I think he's getting adjusted just fine, and I understand that that can take some time. I can't imagine moving to another state where I know barely anybody and getting used to everything. I'm trying my best to help him, but I know that sometimes I could definitely be better.

Other than that, which is the major excitement in my life, things are basically normal. School, work, and hanging out with friends and family is what takes up most of my time. The cats are wonderful, and they're slowly warming up to Daddy, who is slowly warming up to them as well. At first he wasn't thrilled with their hair and their virtual domination of the apartment, but he's gotten used to it and now I catch him loving on them pretty often. They're such lovable creatures that it'd be hard not to love them.

I will definitely try to write more in this thing, but it's hard, with work, and two really challenging classes this semester, plus friend time and Matty time. I like to write though, it's cathartic, so I will definitely try to squeeze in at least quick updates.

Hope everyone is well!

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