What up gangsta?

What up gangsta?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

...it's been months!!!

It's been FOREVER since I've blogged!! I apologize, I'm going to try to do it more. Work and school have just been busy, but I'm definitely going to write more often.

I'm still doing well, sickness-wise, which is amazing, not only because of how well I feel, but because of the fact that there is still no guesses as to what happened to make me so sick. It's officially been declared that it's not Wegener's Disease, it's nothing auto-immune, and I just had bloodwork done and it's all perfect. Whatever I had that almost killed me three different times left no residual effects, and I've been off of medication alltogether for 45 days and counting.

Right now, life is great. I have two classes this semester, one is advanced fiction, and I'm loving it. I'm getting some really good stuff written, even a story about the night I was abused (slightly fictionalized, of course.) Besides that, though, I really don't think about that or Matt Harris very much. I haven't heard anything from him or about him in a very long time, and I'm more than happy to keep it that way.

Jason and I are doing very well. He came here to visit in September, and we got along great, and the family and my friends loved him. I went down to Texas in October to spend some time with him there and meet his friends, and that visit went very well also. As I write this, in three days, he's taking another trip up here, and I can't wait. It's so hard being apart, and that is really the only 'problem' in our relationship. The tiny conflicts (if you can even call them that) we have are all distance-related, as in not having enough time to talk, or other plans cutting into our phone time, etc, etc. Other than that, everything has been fabulous. We're working on him being able to move up here to live soon, and I'm hoping those plans fall into place sooner than later. Being apart gets harder and harder everytime we have another visit. We get a taste of how being together is, we're around each other nonstop for days in a row, and we love it, then we're ripped apart again. It's so difficult. I have to say, though, we're handling it so well. As hard as it is, we're both trying our hardest to maintain our wonderful communication, and I think we're doing it well, and it really doesn't seem that hard. I think it's because our relationship is so easy and natural that we can handle anything. :)

What else is good...GREEN BAY PACKERS!! lol It's important to mention that we are now 6-3 and at the top of our division. What's even better is that poor little Brett Favre is 3-6 and we already beat them once...we play them again next week when Jay is here, and he can fully experience a Packer Sunday, and against the Vikings especially! Last time he was here he went home on Sunday and the Pack happened to have a Monday night game. So I'm really excited to be able to watch a game with him. :) I'm excited to do everything with him!!

I will write more, I promise, but there's a little update for everyone!! <3

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